Adult list, got 19 of 24, though I protest that my answer of
The Chronicles of Narnia should have counted for
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (and not just because I never read the damned things). Shoulda got Bonus Points for spelling "Chronicles" correctly.
Children's list, 16 of 20.
Assignment Two: Nine of twelve, though I disagree that a woman's torso in front of a Stately Home is indicative of "historical" Realistic fiction -- she doesn't seem to be wearing clothes that fit with any but contemporary times.
Assignment Three: Good advice though when you've been doing this (and participating in BCPL's excellent [not kissing up, it really is] RA training) as long as I have, it's almost second nature -- except I still have a tendency to NOT "keep current" -- I prefer lots of the older stuff I should have read in a previous life.
Assignment Four: I will be checking in with
Goodreads for general books recommendations (because I do it already and at this moment, don't have time to establish TWO new routines), and
Street Fiction, because Urban Fiction is not something I'm into, and it could be fun. Have already found that link mentioned in the assignment is broken -- or more accurately, partially disabled. My link above goes to the intended place.
Assignment Five: The kindergartner's exactly right about
Jane Eyre: it IS a book about a gold-mining girl. Or was that
Great Expectations?
I had a friend when I worked in Fort Lauderdale. She and I would go to bookstores (this was back when they had bookstores) and literally judge books by their covers. It was a fun way to spend an afternoon!